Rent secure and convenient luggage lockers for your stay. Avoid the hassle of carrying your bags around and step into local life!
Prices for a locker per day
Good for: 1 cabin trolley + 1 big backpack or 2 cabin trolleys
€ 7,90
Good for: 2 cabin trolleys + 1 big bagpack
€ 14,90
Good for: 4 cabin trolleys, or 2 medium suitcases or 1 big suitcase
€ 19,90
Our Location
Open 24h
Fira, Plaza España, Montjuic, Trade Fair Av. del Paral·lel 171, Barcelona 08004
How it works
Frequently asked questions
How do the lockers at LockerTown work?
You can choose the right size of locker for your storage needs and book conveniently at the terminal in our store at Avinguda Paralel 171, Barcelona . Payment is made via any NFC enabled debit or credit card and your payment card becomes the key to your locker. Furthermore, you will receive a code by e-mail at the e-mail address, which you enter during your booking. This code can also be used to open your locker. No keys, no cash, no problem.
What can I store in my locker?
You can store whatever you want in your Locker, as long as the stored items comply with the terms and conditions (see terms and conditions). With LockerTown, you pay per locker, not per piece of luggage, so you can store as many pieces of luggage as you can fit in the locker.
Is the storage at CityLocker secure?
The lockers at LockerTown are highly secure and use several physical and technological security methods to keep your luggage safe. Furthermore, there is 24/7 video surveillance on the premises of LockerTown.
In the unlikely event that your stored goods are stolen or damaged, the contents of your locker are insured up to a value of €500.
Will my booking expire upon the first reopening of my locker?
No, your booking does not expire upon reopening of the locker. During your period of booking you may open and close your locker as many times as you require.
However, please be aware that all bookings are only valid until 11:59 PM (23:59) of the day on which your booking expires.
We kindly ask that if you are done with your booking, you return the locker to be reused as prompted in the system upon opening of the locker door.
What can I do if I have problems using the locker system?
If you encounter any problems with the locker system, please contact us at
Email: info@locker-town.com
Phone (Whatsapp): +34 685 432 214
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bagaje, equipo, maletas, bultos, bagaje, bártulos, baúl, equipo, impedimenta, maleta, pertrechos, arreos, impedimenta, bastimento, trastos, cachivaches, enseres, equipaje, utensilios, bultos, maletas, equipaje, valija, bulto, maletón equipaje, bagaje, pertrechos, equipo, vituallas, bultos, maletasvalija, maletín, cartera, equipaje, bulto, baúl, neceser, cofre, ajuar, equipaje, enseres , maleton, material, utillaje,Mátela, balija,mochilla, equipage, machila, vultos ,vagaje, Harreos,Fiera fire feria metro transporte aeropuerto aeropuelto haeropuerto, Armario, harmario, almario, guardar, juardar, takilla, takiya, guardalotodo. Viaje, biaje, vbiaje, taquillas de alquiler , almacenamiento seguro,Maletas temporales, lockers para viajeros , taquillas para mochilas,Guardaequipajes guardaequipages , deposito de equipaje, táquelas automáticas , guardaobjetos, almacenamiento de maletas , Lockers para viajeros , consigna de equipajes , taquillas para turistas, Servicio de almacanamiento de equipajes , almacenamiemto de equipages, Taquillas automáticas takillas automáticas ,Eventos en barcelona , ferias comerciales, centro de convecciones , eventos empresariales , feria y congresos en barcelona , eventos profesionales , eventos profesionales , exposiciones en barcelona ,ferias de negocios , centro de eventos de europa , congresos internacionales , feria tecnológicas , eventos culturales en barcelona , conciertos montjuic , música montjuic, fuentes agua, Espectáculos montjuic , espectáculos , paseo montjuic, castillo, poble Espanyol, pueblo español, pueblo castellano , jardines montjuic, votanico, botánico, Castell , museos, moco , museo etnológico de Barcelona , fundación Joan miro , fundació Joan Miro, museo nacional d´art, museo nacional de arte , museo Olímpico y del deporte Joan antoni samaranch , espacio bomberos , museo de carrozas funebres , museo arqueología de Cataluña , museo d´arquiologia de catalunya, museo guardia urbana , museo Fran daurel , palacio nacional de montjuic, Palau nacional de Montjuic, caixaforum barcelona , pabellón mies van Der, exposición , jardines de montjuic, barcelona, catalunya,Meet barcelona , ancontrar barcelona , encontrar barcelona, espectaculo, descubrir barcelona , fira barcelona , cine Barcelona , las arenas barcelona , turismo Barcelona , playas , parques y jardines , turismo de compras barcelona , vida nocturna Barcelona , turismo cultural barcelona, arquitectura montjuic , mapa de metro , estaciones de metro barcelona , horarios de metro, conexiones de transportes barcelona, Lineas de metro, estaciones paralelo , paralelo , comprar en barcelona , restaurantes , comidas , comida catalana , vacaciones , visitar barcelona, poble sec , pueblo seco
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sac, bagage, attaché-case, paquet, sacoche, coffret, colis, pochette, serviette, trousse,cartable, poche, sachet, étui, porte-document, emballage, portefeuille, housse, coffre, sac a maine, poche, cartable, valise, bourse, serviette, musette, pillage, pochette, bagage, porte-monnaie, paquet, portefeuille, trousse, étui, pochon,manchon, paquetage, housse, chemise, pieu.valise, sac, sacoche, coffre, colis, ballot, serviette, sachet, paquet, sac à main, soute, pochon, poche, information, expérience, sac à dos, pochette, cartable, antécédentsac, porte-monnae, sacoche, portefeuille, sachet, bourse, bagage, livre de poche, poche, vmatériel, finalise, paquet, pochette, pochon, bagage à mais,escarcelle, trousse, housse,cartable, salle des congrès, montjüic, palais, manoir, demeure, castel, donjon, citadelle, bastille, gentilhommière, villa, maison, palace, maison de campagnegalerie muséum, collection, pinacothèque, salon, tribune, vernissage, expo, collecte, recueil, collecteur
Koffer ,Tasche, Beutel, packung, Reisetasche, Paket, Habseligkeiten, Reisekoffer, Säcken, Rucksack, Satz, Verpackung, Handtasche, Päckchen, Portemonnaie, Aktenkoffer, Mappe, Schachtel, Sache, Gegenstände,Tasche, Kiste, Gepäck, Kassette, Packung, Beutel, Schachtel, Truhe, Aktentasche, Gepäckstück, Brieftasche, Mappe, Etui, Karton, Verpackung, Paket, Dose, Päckchen, Satz, RucksackBeutel, Koffer, Gepäck, Geldbeutel, Aktenkoffer, Portemonnaie, Kiste, Rucksack, Geldbörse, Mappe, Etu, Gepäckstück, Säckchen, ortmonee, Aktenmappe, Ranzen, Schulranzen, Kasten, Karton, Säcke,Ausstellung, Jahrmarkt, Gottesdienst, Kirmes, Markt, Kirche, Rummel, Konferenz, Veranstaltung, Exposition, Kasino, Fachausstellung, Schau, Ereignis, Tagung, Versammlung, Gemeinde, Kongress, vorführung, Expo,Tagung, konferenz, Symposium, Vertrag, Vereinbarung, Versammlung, Konvention, Übereinkunft, Konvent, Abkommen, Parlament, Messe, Besprechung, Übereinkommen, Vortrag, Abmachung, Treffen, Regierungskonferenz, gespräch, Kunstmuseum, Museumsdirektor,Verschluss, Verriegelung, Riegel, Palast, Burg, Festung, Chateau, Sperre, Ausschluss, Lasche, Zwischenspeicher, Klinke, Raste, Herrenhaus, Spange, Schnalle, Anwesen, Lock, Landg